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What is a blockchain?

  • list of transactions that anyone can view and verify (distributed & immutable ledger)
  • removes the need for a centralized entity
  • secured via blockchain networks
  • advantages: global, private, open
  • secured by large peer-to-peer network of computers running foss
  • addresses made up of public key and private key
  • sending money requires signing a transaction with priv key


  • magic number - some sort of identifier

  • blocksize - size limit of block

  • block header - information about the block

  • transaction counter - number of transactions

  • transactions - list of transactions in a block

  • block header

    • version - crypto version
    • previous block hash - hash of the previous block header (ensures nothing has been tampered with)
    • hash merkle root - hash of transactions in merkle tree of current block
    • time - timestamp to place block
    • bits - difficulty rating of the target hash aka how hard it is to solve the nonce
    • nonce - encryped number that miner has to solve to verify block

consensus mechanisms

  • pow
  • pos

hashing: mathematical function that converts an input of arbitrary length into an encrypted output of a fixed length // unique hash will always be the same size // hash functions are also one way (cant be reverse engineered) // deterministic(?) - the same hash will produce the same output for the same input

  • solving hash starts w data in the block header
  • miner focuses on nonce - appended to hashed contents of prev block, then hashed
  • when new hash <= target hash then accepted as solution -> reward given -> block added
  • bitcoin uses sha-256
  • target hash starts with long string of zeroes
  • miners generate a hash below target by altering the input by adding an integer (nonce)
  • valid hash found -> broadcast to network

cryptographic hash functions

  • collision-free - no two input hashes map to the same output hash
  • hidden - difficult to guess input value for hash fx from output
  • puzzle friendly - selection of input from wide distribution

prevention of double spending

  • overcome by maintaining a common, universal ledger system
  • recognized as invalid by confirmation process(?)
  • if both transactions are pulled from the pool simultaneously, the transcation with highest no. of confirmations will be included in the blockchain and the other will be discarded
  • some issues: assumption of invalid tx(?) some people wait for at least 6 confirmations before safely assuming the tx is valid
  • 51% attack - reverse the blockchain and create a separate blockchai

51% attacks